“Untitled (Triptych),” by Jean-Michel Basquiat
In this 1983 triptych, Basquiat dissects and reconfigures a series of images that are unmistakably Picassoesque. On the left panel, a gestural, geometric nude assumes the pose of one of Picasso’s Demoiselles and a face in the central panel is depicted in the Spanish artist’s signature dual profile. Basquiat presents a skull on the bottom of the right panel—a nod to Picasso’s later works.
In this 1983 triptych, Basquiat dissects and reconfigures a series of images that are unmistakably Picassoesque. On the left panel, a gestural, geometric nude assumes the pose of one of Picasso’s Demoiselles and a face in the central panel is depicted in the Spanish artist’s signature dual profile. Basquiat presents a skull on the bottom of the right panel—a nod to Picasso’s later works.